Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Reflections on my Audition

I think I did well. I did 2 versions of 21 and then they asked me to do craps, which I thought I would have to go back for.

Blackjack- both went well, they were looking for more of a personality with procedures, I think I showed them I had it.

Craps- I took all 3 positions and I was nervous on bases but smooth on stick. They have what is called speed checks for chips which are slippery, and when stacked you have to be careful! I knocked some over and the boxman said "don't be nervous" and I said "It doesn't help that they are slippery." And he replied with "no one cares if you knock chips over" and before I knew it I was tapped out and done.

You don't get a score for a week or two when everyone gets auditioned who wanted to and they create a list in order of high-to-low scores and seniority with in the scores.

I am anxious to see what I scored. 60 is the best. One of the dealers who auditioned and likes to hear himself talk... came in to work bragging he scored 59, and there is no way he would know that and I doubt he did get that.

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