Sunday, March 05, 2006

One Eye

Lexi is home. They called me around 4 this afternoon to let me know the surgery went well and she was waking up etc. and to come get her around 5. So as the hour drew closer I prepared to pick up my baby. I had no idea what to expect, really. I ended up asking some questions and learning more about what was involved in her surgery. I won't go into detail for the sake of the weak stomachs and faint hearts out there reading this. But I will say they do enough to the effort to keep her from looking like she has a sunken in eye socket.

I was sad to see her at 1st with stitches and all but the vet tech made her look and feel extra special. They loved the tropical li'l bandana I had on her so instead of replacing it with one of thiers like they normally do, they just washed it and layered it with one of theirs that so cutely coordinates.

She seems to be ok, just sleeping now. Stanley and Kara gave ther the once over sniffs and approved her condition, I guess, and are leaving her alone now. They gave me an E-collar in case she is bothering and scratching/pawing at her eye but so far she doesn't care. Maybe she is on the doggy version of vicodin :)

I tried to give her a half of a little treat but she was not interested. She has not eaten today at all since yesterday, and the vet said to try to feed her half of her normal food after 6pm.

I can't wait for her to be her normal puppy playful self again. Maybe I will buy her a new mega big squeaky toy tomorrow.

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