Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oranges, Aches and Firebets

I wish I could say things were more interesting at work as of late but they aren't.
Well we are getting FIRE BETS on our tables today, so we're learning this. Sounds easy enough. I'm not suposed to be dealing craps tomorrow (grrrr) and with the crew who is, I can't even imagine the chaos!

I'm having pains in my neck/shoulder and am going to go see a doctor about it, it seems reccurring. I want PT massage!

Lexi is recovering well. She has actually been eating her full bowl of food, for a few days now. Her playful and spunkiness is back too!

California Clementines, I don't think I have ever had any, but when I was looking for Mandarin Oranges at Sams Club I found these instead. The sign said "Easier to peel, Seedless, and Sweeter than regular Mandarins" So I grabbed a 5 lb bag. When I got home I had to try one, it was plenty sweet but a lot of the pith was stuck to the sections after I peeled it. So I looked up proper preparations for eating these, and I read a site that recommends a quick boil, then cooling before peeling and eating. So, today I followed those directions and then had one for a snack, OHMYGAWD, I think it even makes them sweeter, boiling them etc! and no pith! I think you can do this for any kind of orange! But if you want to try the candiest sweetest orangiest oranges try a California Clementine.

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