Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Rolling the Bones Somewhere Else

This morning we went to the Silverton Lodge & Casino to play Craps on thier $3 table. We had a good time, with a friendly crew on the table. We continued to play for about an hour, after buying in for $100 total and left with $260 after tipping the crew. We were pretty much alone, no other players so we were the rollers the whole time, and we both had long rolls and made lots of points. For those who don't understand the game, it means we won, many times! When the sun started to come up and a few new people came to the table we cashed out while we were ahead without pressing out luck too much!

We normally played the game at Casino Royale, but we remembered this being our favorite dealer's day off besides, they have a sit down table and S liked his taste of rolling on a normal long table, where we stand up and roll 'em about 10-15 feet, with no sitting. I think it is a lot more fun too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to walk away ;)