Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dora The *Dice* Explorer

So another wonderful Sunday the Shitties of Gold casino.

Have I ranted on this yet? I regularly work swing shift at BTR, starting in the evenings usually 6 or 8pm.

Well They have been continually been scheduling me 1 day a week at the Shitties, an ashtray of a casino at best... and for day shift (2pm-10pm) and non-the-less following a 8pm-4am. Barely enough time to drive to and from, sleep as close to 8 hours a I can, and have lunch before heading out the door.

The dealers don't make tips there, the average is so low it is shadowed even by my break-in house El Cortez (back in Vegas). That place just makes me ill- it is an insult to my carreer and experience. I've discovered there are dealers who have been illiminated from that Shitty rotation. I think I am at least equal to them in skill if not better in some cases. Thats like a pay raise, for them, not having to work there once a week. OR like a paycut for me, in having to work there once a week. And next week, I am not going in on my repetitive sunday afternoon, but on SATURDAY (WTF???) thats a big pay cut right there!!! I would just rather have the flippin' day off!

So anyway, today I am scheduled to deal with a similar crew to the one I had the last 2 weeks at least. But one exception, there was a young girl, I think from the regular day shift at BTR, who has bad habits I could rant about in my last post, and may come back to it, but for now.... lets stick to my metaphor for her...

Dora the Dice Explorer

I've ranted about the way some people sound, and I have ranted about people complaining about the way I sound on stick... It's for sure my turn!

Turn on your Nick Jr. cartoons and watch Dora for just a few minutes, long enough for it to get on your nerves, then close your eyes and imagine her happy lil hispanic ass saying things like:

"Five fever five, the point is five, mark it" in all of her little happy smiley faced glory, that is DORA the explorer. OMG I think my teeth were peeling from hearing this.

And for once, I was welcoming a trainee to the table, in her an experienced dealer's place!

I'm going to keep calling her Dora... Dora has about 4 years experience and came to BTR from Big Rock Casino...

Now on to my pet peeves... keep the stick out of the base dealers stacks/working area!!! This one goes through the working area, place bets and come bets and not around the outside of the layout when going for the just-tossed dice, getting in my way, slowing down my pay-offs and just being a nuisance.

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