Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A smoother day

I made sure i started on stick. days always seem faster and 20 min shorter that way :)

I had no problems, just regular play.

Well on my last break, some 7-star hootie-hoo player came to play and raped the casino.
was was playing black and not just one or 2, we had to order black fills 2x! $10,000 each time, well he bought in for $1,000 and left with almost $16,000 and tipped less than 1% (about $130.00). Lucky for me he didn't play on my side, I just don't need the stress of that kind of action! i liked my 10.00 bettors very much yesterday! MY poor co-workers who had that side of the table tho worked their asses off, not only did they have HIM but they had a full side.

Weight Loss Challenge

my shift and coworkers are involved in a weight loss challenge. Every participant enters with 20 dollars. who ever looses the highest percentage based on their starting weight, wins the pot! I should be trying harder. Maybe i will crash diet for the last couple of weeks with Dr. Adkins LOL... I have lost a couple pounds since the weigh in, so i am not doing too bad. I want the money, but i am not by far the biggest person in the challenge. Will keep you posted. It is a 6 week challenge. 1 week is over, 5 to go! oh i think the pot is at 340.00! even the skinnies are participating!


FleaStiff said...

>some hootie-hoo player raped the casino
Don't quite know what a 7star hootie-hoo is but raping the casino sounds interesting indeed.
>he bought in for 1,000 and left with 16,000
>and tipped less than 1% (about $130.00)
Gee, I'm not really a 'George' though dealers have called me that, yet I sure wouldn't tip that trivial an amount even if it was only one or two bets that took me up that high. If the dealer had to work half the night for me to make 15 grand, I'd sure see that the dealers got something. What would be decent in this situation: 500 handed in at the end and 500 bet for them at the end with a few of those black chips being bet for them during the roll? I often make Field Bets for the Dealers or else Field Bets that are 2way bets, buts it is hard to keep track of how the dealers are actually doing in what they receive rather than just what I bet for them.

DiceGRRL said...

fleastiff- a 7star hooti-hoo.. LOL well 7star is the top notch highest player card you can get for this company. in other words, high rollers/ whales. and yeah you are sounding much more george-like than he was!

FleaStiff said...

Weight loss?
Steer clear of Atkins and all those other fad diets too.
Its diet and exercise to take it off; exercise and diet to keep it off. Not fads.
Shortcuts? Peoples desire for weightloss doesn't mean there are shortcuts or that you should take shortcuts.
Reverse diet: Eat like a King at breakfast, a Prince at lunch and a Pauper at dinner works fairly well. So does soup or water as a first course (cuts calorie intake 20 percent).
Steer clear of the fads. Weight is a long term consideration and fads have little effect on long term values.

FleaStiff said...

>I had no problems, just regular play.
I'm glad your day went largely without problems other than it ending with this hootie-hoot at the other end of the table who was noticeably less than generous.

What would an average buy-in be?
What do most people walk away with?
How much help can a dealer provide in order to earn tips but not actually solicit tips? I've noticed that quite a few places seem to encourage an "us versus them" attitude on the part of the dealers.

DiceGRRL said...

average buy-in where i work now is $100-200.

Most people walk away down or even i think.

If i knew how to 'get more tips' i wouldn't complain as much, i don't have an answer! I'm always just friendly and welcoming and invite them back, thank them for the company etc....

i know nothing about 'us vs. them attitude'... its not my money. i don't mind winners, i prefer winners, winners tip more often than losers. but some losers tip when they are down to their last ...say $6 and just throw it in and walk away, with a thank you.

FleaStiff said...

That 'us versus them' attitude was based on a long-ago comment I overheard one dealer make to the box after I had a lengthy roll which netted me solely my PassLine bet. "He could have really hurt us if he had known what he was doing."
That "us" showed that he really felt that it was his money, not simply the casino's money that I would have won.

DiceGRRL said...

well, don't worry about that. mot dealers don't mind winners winning :) we let the supervisors sweat the money!

FleaStiff said...

So tell us: How is that weight challenge going? Did you win the 340.00?

DiceGRRL said...

its not over quite yet, but i dont think i win... one guy who was darn near 300 lbs has lost about 20 lbs so far.

FleaStiff said...

Okay, so you were not the number-one weight-loser...but I'm sure you did fairly well.
Just keep up the diet and exercise and remember that weight management requires a focus on the long-term.

DiceGRRL said...

At the same time of the weight loss competition I've been dealing with a shoulder injury and could not do all the exercises i had been doing. tho i kept up my diet i lost weight slower than before. but i am still doing ok, slo gradual loss.