Thursday, January 31, 2008

An Interesting Day

Well, we only had 4 dice dealers today, so I had no sign of an early out. My 4th was a newbie too, and luckily we were pretty slow and he could handle it most of the day. In fact we were so slow it was ridiculous and when it wasn't dead it was cold. I think it's suddenly changed from Dice in English to French d'Ice. No one could leave the table ahead for the longest time.

Speaking of French some lady early this morning with no clue came to play, her husband too. We tried to talk to them and advise them to no avail. Anyway at some point the lady said "Which one of you is the Croupier?" Well I guess all of us, because it generally means Dealer, but I stuck my stick-bearing hand in the air, and said "I guess that would be me!"

Moving on to later in the day when we were dead as a door knob, I was on base, J on stick, and H was boxman wondering around with nothing to do. Then H walks by me and says "Tell J he is needle-dick, the bug-fucker" for no reason but to be silly. I laughed so hard, it just sounding funny coming from H.

And what else, later, R was pacing the floor occupying the boxman roll, whilst we still stand a dead game. He pulls a rubberband out of his pocket or somewhere and shoots me in the leg. I confiscate the bank under my foot until he walks off, pick it up, threaten to aim it at J who is at this time on the other base. But then I quickly turn, aim at R and Fire! I'm quite a bad aim, as I aimed for his gut, but hit him in the forehead, where it bounced up and hooked onto his gelled up slightly curly hair and just hangs in is face like the Michael Jackson curl itself. A number of other dealers witnessed the event and laughter rung out in the ghost-town of an Irish Pub/Casino.

The fun n games soon ceased as players began to sprinkle in and day shift drew closer.

We did have this one 'character' of a guy come n go a couple times, I'd seen him before at the poker table. He's too old to pull off the look he tries to carry, and if you ever seen car commercials featuring John Barr in Vegas this guy reminds me of him, may even be him! No tellin' for sure! But this guy has got bleached out hair with too much gel all spiked up. Half-buttoned, chest bearing shirt with an odd large pendant on his necklaces adorning the 'old-guy' chest, and bright red colored blazer over top the shirt. And the European jeans meant for a 23year old male. Then those swanky European square toed shoes too finish off the look. Now I wanna throw up just reminding myself how 'yesterday' he really is, and doesn't even know it!


--S said...

He doesn't look like John Barr - he looks like a wannabe Rod Stewart!

DiceGRRL said...

I was talking to a co-worker from day shift today who starting talking about someone fitting this description. He said this guy looks like HAS-BEEN PORN STAR!!

Then I learned his real name OH MY GOD, is it against the law to state this? Who cares... His name is MAX POWER.

Someone said that was Homer Simpson's alias as a body builder or wrestler or something...

So i did a Google search and came up with this Wikipedia result!