Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Last night at work in the breakroom, I was having a conversationn with a few other dealers and a cocktailer. The conversation was about one of the dealer's involved in the conversation about his reigion and lifestyle- judaism. He spoke of not eating pork- namely BACON; and of not mixing meats and dairy.

Then the cocktailer, who I might mention is foreign of some Asian decent, said to him she wants to whisper a question to him. He responded that it was ok she could ask outloud... So she did and her questio to him was:

Can you eat pussy?

And she had honest to goodness pure curiosity in her tone of voice.

Better yet is the Jewish dealer's response:

ABSOLUTELY! It is highly encouaged by the Rabbis!

I did everything I could do to not laugh when she eased, but lost it when he answered.


Anonymous said...
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FleaStiff said...

I was just thinking about what that conversation must have been like when I soiled my Depends at the craps table recently.

DiceGRRL said...

were you recently playing craps where I work?
I had a twitter post and it might be about you!
I thinks that you follow my twitter too?!?!

FleaStiff said...

Twas a joke.
I just happened to see the twitter comment.
Now if you would like to send me an airline ticket and arrange for a comped room at the new CityCenter ... .