Thursday, December 20, 2007

8 hours & I'm a Bitch

I made it thru 8 hours today! I've been sick and spoiled! So to make it thru a whole shift is unheard of for me it seems. co-workers were shocked to still see me round after 10am(6th hour).
My shoulder was killing me, still is and I don't go back to the new physical therapist until Monday (xmas eve). Yesterday he really worked on it tho. Its an inflamed muscle with lotsa fluid build up.

We had a pretty good time today, not too busy so we shot the shit a lot. I work at one of the few casinos that we get away with this.

First thing this am I choose 3rd base. Almost by default, as J wanted 1st stick and L made it thru the inside of the pit to 2nd base. Theres the usual typical drunken bunch of left overs from swing shift. There's this big Colombian dude getting on my nerves across the table from me, who when shot fondled the dice for too long with fumbles n wasting time. So I said "No fondling the dice, you have to pick them up then throw them immediately!" but he continues, so I tell the floorman, who promptly has my back and tells him the same thing. He seemed to understand when it came from a more authoritative voice.

He was with some chick who was coming and going with her head lights on the whole time. When she was 'away' he started hitting on the other mediocre girl on the other side of him who seemed to be with the younger couple of players. He gave her some shot and he went flush red into sweats! they he was getting feely-touchy with her while the other girl was away. What a whore of a man.

The dice came back around to him and he started the fondling again, I told him he has 3 warnings, then again he did it and I said "One more time and you are done here." He did it one more time too! I had been shadowing E who was practicing so I left him alone and the game on hold as I retrieved the same floorman, who had my back again! I began to feel the notion of becoming floor. If I did not have a dealers uniform on, he might have respected me more. By this time miss headlight-are-on was back and questioned why, like it was her business, and how everywhere else he could do it that way. I simply replied "we have our own rules here and we enforce and follow them!"

Later in the day i come onto stick, and 2 players to my left reaches across the table into the prop box and grabs some bet(s). He seemed to ignore me as I scolded him about that, and how its a big NO-NO! So I said "Do you understand me, for all i know you picked up some one else's money! If you do it again, I'll get you thrown off this table! got it?" He replied as if to shut me up and so I kept a vigilant eye on him.

I bet they all thought I was just a BITCH today! But I don't care!!

Ok not so funny for today but it wasn't a funny feeling day...

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