Thursday, April 06, 2006

Unlike Any Other Day

I got up with the 1st buzz of my alarm clock at 2:40, and did not take my two 9-minute snoozes. I had to get going early and get awake before I got to a table. I was ready and out the door what seemed faster than normal too, Monster Drink in hand.

About 3:30 I pulled in the parking space and walked to my locker, locking my personal belonging up, tucking in my work shirt and buckling up my apron. No one was in signt who I might be looking for... So I lingered for a few minutes in the break room, then wandered to THE FLAMINGO. Today I was a Flamingo Dealer! Yes I was, and it was good. I was tipped by the red not the silver, and more frequently at that. The players were mature and friendly at the same time, not drunken stupid. I dealt 21 almost all day, but got my hands on the 3-card Poker table for a few runs, too. Almost all shoe (8-deck) games, and $10 and up games. Even on the sit-down table... which is my only complaint, as this has aggrivated my shoulder and neck and back more than normal.

Even tho some part of me was scared of this day, I charged at it with intense devotion! This may well become a weekly standard part of my schedule. And it is more than welcome! Let me at it!! I'm ready! Brian, a co-worker who has been doing this already, was going to give me a hard time and tease me today but as he noticed how I handled every situation, I think he reaslized I was past it and above it, and doing just fine. There was no humiliation to be had for me today! If I was unsure of anything I tackled it and overcame it.

At O'shaes, we call out every $100 that comes and goes at our tables. The Flamingo doesn't give a hoooty--hoot about 100's. The tables have $500's (which are kinda pinkish in color) and that's what is called out, and cared about. The pit bosses aren't hawks and don't jump up and run to you every time you call out either. I was coloring almost a thousand, I called out and no one came and I only think I heard a "go ahead" in the faint background of noises. I payed a nearly $700 straight-flush on 3-card poker, and the same thing occured. Finally I start calling things out not too loudly and acted as though I hear it and did what ever I had to. This seems to be the norm. Pit bosses seem to have a lot more to do there than next door. It's better, less time is wasted in waiting for individual approvals.

I have a feeling, if I get to do this like once per week, when the next Audition comes around I will have it in the bag!

On top of the great day of work, I came home in a grand mood, did a few chores, then moved my lawn chaise into the sun, book in hand and layed in the sun to read a few chapters. Of course, I can not sit in that chair with out dear Stanley in it too, in my lap kind of, so I probably have a partial patchy tan if any, on my legs.

The weather today is just outstanding. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

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