Tuesday, February 12, 2008

weird week

Most of the days this past week my innuendo counterpart was not there to make craps dirty with me. In my crew a couple days was D, who seemed to be full of dumb riddles, so it wasn't so exciting. He's still green, when we have a game he often cuts out a payout and asks me if its right. I don't get paid enough to be a coach of newbies, such headaches.

Anyway, you call tell the newbies, even on a dead game, when possible players approach.

We're standing a dead game, and these guys come up to my side and pull out some money. D hollers out, come play over here, she doesn't speak English! They go over, and I said in plain English "WHAT THE FUCK??!" OK, So I shouldn't condone the use of that word at work, we tell players not to use it all the damn time. But it just came out! and most of my floor people wouldn't give me a hard time about it anyway. It's ok, he'll learn that I am the tip maker on that table, I am! Players are generally male, and I'm very female, and talk a very dirty game when the riddle isn't making it comedy hour. Someone should tell him he's taking Vinnie Favorito's job! and to shut the F up! that lil 22 year old punk bugs me some days. Well non-the-less I went on my break right then too. But this punk has been pulling my action more often than i like. I need to come up with a re-action plan. I'll get back to you on how this works out!

OH then we had this little 40-something Hindu man come try to play all by himself, at 1st. he was chunking bets (random amounts of chips on various numbers)and was very clueless. He asked me if i was married, and didn't like the answer, but still invited me to "relax on his sofa and drink orange juice" i really didn't know what to say/think. Luckily a small group of young ladies walks by, he starts yelling "hey ladies" and making kissy faces and sounds at them. All I could do was laugh at this point. He was a riot! he would start with the dice next to stick where his bet was an wind up all the way back to the hook and let loose like a softball pitcher. the dice went far off the table many times! he didn't care if he was winning or not, he was having a good time and suddenly, "I have to catch a plane, must go cash out now!"

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