Friday, February 01, 2008

a day in the life - my life...

Today was slow. It does NOT feel like the start to Super Bowl weekend. I did make myself stay all 8 hours again!

I've got a big fat ugly veterinary bill coming for 2 of my dogs having problems at the same time. So I actually have to work! We wont go into the issues, one is too gross. But they are both in E-Collars, Both are unrelated issues. Just bad timing, well sick dogs are never in good timing, hell, sick people don't get good timing for getting sick, I know, I've been snowballed with illnesses the last few months, as well as having to replace a vehicle.

It was cold as ICE on Dice again today, what a shame. It's hard to make tips from losing gamblers. I think our drew for our shift only barely made a combines 100.00 :( Here's hoping the other tables and shifts make up for us.

I've been trying to drum up some business in my own little webshop too. So if you feel like looking, please do so. If you see something you like, please buy it. If you know someone who would like it please share the link.


Anonymous said...

Indy Gal - Hope the dogs are all doing well now!
Here's to business picking up!

DiceGRRL said...

who is indy gal. becky??