Saturday, September 06, 2008

Just a Visus

So Thursday I wake up with a kind of sore throat you get before you get a cold. I thought it was just gonna go away, that I had maybe snored too much. The day went on and I went to work. I was not as loud as I normally am, I couldn't hear as well as I normally do and not to mention on the way to work I think I started to fall asleep driving, so ya I was lethargic too. I dunno maybe the bosses noticed I was not myself, even tho they had not had much time to learn what I was like... Having only just started on Monday. Well just about 2 hours into the shift the boss comes up to me while on the table and asks me if I want to go home. and I hoped on it with out hesitation! Explained to her I woke up with a sore throat that day and was gonna ask about the EO policy. She said, sign here and go home, get some cold medicine and rest. I thanked her and left.

So Friday, my 1st day off from my new job I got up and went to the urgent care doctors office to find out It's simply a virus kicking my ass and it will pass on it's own. I could take OTC cold meds to help relieve symptoms. Gets lots of rest etc, so I lay in bed the rest of the day and watched out new Direct TV between nodding off. I hoped the whole sick feeling would pass by the next morning... no luck. I wake up today and get a small bowl of cereal with S and his phone rings. We go get breakfast with a friend and I stick it out the best I can. I get cold sweats and all that shit... When we get home I took my temp and i have a slightly raised temp consistent with a cold. So I decide to head to work and let them decide to send me home. I give the parking lot security guard my story... that I am an employee and I am there to work but mostly to let the boss know I am sick and try to get excused from my shift, so he lets me park up front, woohoo, otherwise it is grand opening weekend and we can not even park in the employee lot, but rather in a muddy clearing in the construction zone north of the whole establishment and take a 'shuttle' to the building. I lucked out! Multiplied by 2 and a half.

I go to uniforms and get mine on. I head out to the pit early and find the boss of all bosses. Explain I was sick and did not know what the employee procedures and policies were, and was going to work if I had to. He led into a story about when he moved up here and how he was warned of getting sick around 2 weeks after moving here. Scoffed at the thought and sure enough got sick as scheduled! So he knew what I was going thru, the elevation change virus. Sent me on my way home and told me if I was still as ill tomorow to make sure to call in 4 hours before the shift I was scheduled for.

This was teh 2 stars for lucky today. Then comes the half, as I mention I was told I would get fast-tracked to at least dual-rate so I could sit box. I have the back issues ans dont think I could continue to deal 5 days a week ( let alone 6 as I was scheduled for this last week, thank god for early outs and sick days). Well he says he would see what he could do about it. *fingers crossed* I thanked him and excussed myself.

So here is hoping I can get into the suit soon! And that this virus leaves me by tomorrow night!


Pumakid said...

Thanks for keeping your blogs going so those of us that care about you both can keep up to date. Who knows, the way things are going in the valley, I may be forced to look your way for future job opportunities so your insight(s) are very welcome and informative.
Hope you feel better soon and get use to the elevation there.

DiceGRRL said...

yo puma come see us any time!
you might wanna stay one you get there tho.

ya i am tired of feeling yucky! i wanna be myself again!

off to write a new story!