Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Last night at work in the breakroom, I was having a conversationn with a few other dealers and a cocktailer. The conversation was about one of the dealer's involved in the conversation about his reigion and lifestyle- judaism. He spoke of not eating pork- namely BACON; and of not mixing meats and dairy.

Then the cocktailer, who I might mention is foreign of some Asian decent, said to him she wants to whisper a question to him. He responded that it was ok she could ask outloud... So she did and her questio to him was:

Can you eat pussy?

And she had honest to goodness pure curiosity in her tone of voice.

Better yet is the Jewish dealer's response:

ABSOLUTELY! It is highly encouaged by the Rabbis!

I did everything I could do to not laugh when she eased, but lost it when he answered.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

to blog or not to blog

do you want to hear about how our craps table and roulette table came in.
do you want to hear about how i taught a class on hte new table.
roulette is missing its wheel yet.
we got the felts on the Texas Hold'em Bonus & 3 Card Poker tables.
I've got the 1st edition/version of our dealers manuals in the hands of upper management. that i composed them from the various other manuals i had , (which were this casinos OLD manual from when they had a pit 5 or so years ago, my old employers manuals, and the manuals provided by the game manufacturers). it was a long week of typing.

plus this past week...
had a scare of a lost dog.
locked keys in car with purse, and the in-progress manuals i spoke of above. police tried to slimjim it but there is a lock out feature. had to make S drive up the hill with spare keys.

was a crazy week,
but i spontaneously invited dad and the fam to come over for a BBQ although the temps didn't get over 60. we had a nice visit.
I am hoping the upcoming week is a lot smoother.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So we have been giving some craps lessons to other employees who want to deal for us.
Not a good feeling for me.

I am reaching out to all of the unemployed or meerly extraboard craps and or roulette dealers out there who are transient enough to want to move to colorado to get a job dealing.

Craps is new to CO... so is roulette...

Sunday, April 05, 2009


In spite of the current weather I am happy to be in Colorado, more-over happy to be OUT of New Mexico/Hell.

Check this out... I have had hardly any pain since I got here! thumb or neck! Scott says it is Psycho-symatic, what ever.. its gone, well seems it moved into his thumb.

The job is working out well so far, in all of a week I have had it. I'm not actually a Pit Supervisor yet, because we don't have the pit in yet, but lots of research and planning.

My title is actually Lead Pit Supervisor and I am the right-hand (wo-)man to the tablegames manager who I worked with back in Vegas.

Colorado is very impressive in many ways! I like the city, as I am in a Denver suburb, I have almost as much access as I did to everything, in Vegas. People are nicer than anywhere else i have ever lived. Even tho my drive to work is almost an hour in good weather, it is a beautiful drive thru the mountains. Tho the other day it was snowing like mad and it took 2.5 hours to get home.

well thats about it from me for tonight. I think the new locale will help me feed my blog-monster :)

I am also on twitter, same username. check me out there too!

Monday, March 02, 2009

A Cure for the Pain

As i woke up this morning all i wanted was a Vicodin. The pain in my thumb and wrist were screaming. I popped the pill with some toast n jelly, called my hand specialist referral and made the appointment. 1st available day was thursday 3-19... i took it, but wished for sooner. like today! oh well! I am horrified and nervous of getting the shot of cortisone in my hand. My grandma just had one a month or so ago and she said it hurt like hell! And the actual hand did also for a good week or so, thereafter!

I know tho that cortisone is not a cure. I had in once in my neck last year, well that pain as made its way back also.

I can not imagine getting these injections every 3 or 4 months until i build up a tolerance to the cortisone and then have to go under a damn knife. Nor do I want to become a hydrocodone junkie.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pain and Packing

Yesterday I got a root canal. yeouch. i have some pain meds and antibiotics now.

I'm posting the chronicles of packing my studio on my other blog studiojcards.

I will also be packing other parts of the house, but that room is a story of it's own!
feel free to follow along if you like!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I'm stuck.
I'm uninspired and in varying pains.

My neck/left shoulder is starting to bother me more, I pause and think back to the similar experience with pain S had in 2006. I am scared and too far away from the doctor he entrusted his spinal cord with. The effects of the epidural injection in which he gave me in August ( 6 months ago) have warn off completely. I started to feel them wear off slowly over the last few months.

I had been babying that left side from use while I was still dealing craps, then I screwed up my thumb/wrist on the right side with this tendonitis and had to start using the left 100% as I had my right in a variety of splints, wraps and bandages.

Now I am not dealing craps now and gingerly using both sides, while on my light duty assignment of simply counting money, in both paper and poker chip format. But sometimes, like just a while ago, I sat in my recliner reading hubby's manuscript and I felt with both hands, it was difficult and strenuous to even hold 20 pieces of paper in my hands upright.

I had started seeing an acupuncturist, Dr. Emily as she calls herself, twice now, on a weekly basis, and once more tomorrow. The 1st visit I swear i felt different durring and after. I was only being treated for the tendonitis in my right thumb joint at the wrist. I felt a warming tingling all through that thumb and she said it was a good reaction. Something about the energy flow. I do not have a lot of knowledge on the practice of acupuncture, I had referals and recomendations from friends. When I returned for a 2nd appointment she put needles in other places as well as that thumb wrist area. I had initially explained to her of my bulging disk and pinched nerve there-from. So I think the 2nd round, with a few needles in my neck, she hoped to treat that pain also. But the little wooden platform beds you must lay on whilst adorning needles, which have only maybe a 2" flimsy padding on them, was not enough, I got antsy, uncomfortable and squirmed and a needle fell off. It was one of which she had put in the side of my neck. I do not know if there are other laying postures this procedure, but i will ask with great hopes to hear there are. BUT... ever-since the last treatment last wednesday I feel my neck, shoulder and connected pains are worstening. Coincidence? Possibly. I will bring it up with her also on my next visit.
  • neck pain worstening
  • unconfortable platforms

Last night, S's 1st night back from his vegas trip, I could not get to sleep, I could not find a possition for by neck and head to rest in that did not feel like someone was sinching a knot in my neck or stabbing it with a letter opener.

I do not think the holistic ancient chinese medicine is going to help a bulging disk. As much as I had wanted to avoid invasive treatments, narcotic cocktails and possible convolescence I feel it coming inevitable. I now think I want it- Vicodin, and all! Please put me into a drugged pain-free stupor!

Couple all that with how miserable I am here in this sleepy brown city and the cold winter days, I am, to my own dismay, finding my self fall back into that terrible disease they call depression, which started upon me once before, amost one year ago.

I need to go back to Vegas to be operated on, and I need to find a way to stay there as I am afraid of what will come of me if i stay here.